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EngageMI recognizes 42 local churches

UMCOR Flood Buckets

The Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries expresses deep gratitude to 42 Michigan congregations that completed requirements for recognition as EngageMI Churches in 2020. Their giving met their neighbors’ needs.

Seeing is believing

Seeing classic art like this mosaic in Israel

People learn in different ways. Glenn Wagner, a visual learner, talks about seeing many powerful ways that faith comes alive as he visits United Methodist churches across Michigan.

Reclaiming spiritual intimacy

BIblical intimacy requires quiet

Reflecting on the life and writing of Rachel Held Evans, the Rev. John Boley urges individuals to study the Bible with a deeper sense of spiritual intimacy.

Good reads share faith with children

Share faith with young children

Parents and grandparents develop a child’s journey with God as they share words of faith. Start early with these books.

Learning brick by brick

Building Faith Brick by Brick by Emily Given is an imaginative way to explore the Bible. Building Faith Brick by Brick offers a culturally relevant, hands-on way to explore faith… Continue Reading Learning brick by brick

The Michigan Conference