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Walther begins new ministry journey

Joel and his daughter riding a bike

As Rev. Joel Walther settles into his new role as Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of Human Resources, he announces some important news and chats about his journey from… Continue Reading Walther begins new ministry journey

New series explores how UMs value life

United Methodist Communications has created a new series of stories that weaves together a comprehensive look at United Methodists’ official life-centered ethic with real-life examples of how the church embodies… Continue Reading New series explores how UMs value life

Chaplains in the COVID trenches

Chaplains help staff stress

Deacon Christina Wright serves as associate director of the hospital’s spiritual care team. She shares how chaplains have supported healthcare staff during the pandemic. The final of a four-part series.

Wesley Nurses offer care

Registered nurses serve in United Methodist churches across south Texas, with focus on helping the uninsured.

Prayers and postcards seek justice

A United Methodist Deacon offers counsel on how to impact today’s health care system.

Who is my neighbor?

Bishop Kenneth Carter revisits Jesus’ parable with America’s health care in mind.

Building bridges in Liberia

Missionary Mary Zigbuo brings maternal healthcare and Christ’s love to a village in Africa.

The Michigan Conference