Tag: Gun violence
Moving forward together

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard moves our focus forward on matters engaging the “heart and soul problems” in the nation and the church.
‘End Gun Violence Michigan’ organizes

United Methodists Across the state are encouraged to support efforts to stop gun violence in Michigan. Resources and advocacy opportunities here.
Act for a better world this Advent

The Rev. Paul Perez invites us to hope the world, “will truly be turned upside down and inside out by God’s love,” during this Advent season of 2021.
UMC’s top five stories in 2018

The struggle to hold The United Methodist Church together despite longstanding division over homosexuality was the denomination’s top news story of 2018.
UMs respond to Annapolis shooting

A United Methodist chaplain was among early responders to the shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis.
Texas church helps with grieving

Aldersgate United Methodist in Santa Fe, Texas, opens doors to agencies providing counseling and other support.
Youth go big against guns

Marchers in 800 cities joined a group of students from Parkland, FL saying, “enough is enough.”
My five-year-old is afraid

A child asks, “Why do kids bring guns to school?” and a mom struggles to answer.
Billy Graham’s world

In this edition of “A Joyful Journey,” Bishop Bard traces the social justice dimensions of his faith to Billy Graham.
UMs support teens lobbying lawmakers

School shooting survivors will be “change agents,” says a United Methodist elementary school teacher.