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Human Relations Day builds beloved community

Memorial for Martin Luther King, Jr.

Giving on Human Relations Day, set for Sunday, January 14, helps build King’s vision of beloved community and supports churches like Grand Rapids: Vietnamese UMC.

Reimagining mission in the U.S.

Head of Global Ministries speaking at conference

Nearly 250 United Methodist mission leaders from 53 U.S. annual conferences met to discern ways to reimagine, reinvent, and reignite mission work in the U.S.

UMCOR supports partners in India

Temperature testing in India

India currently faces a major health crisis associated with coronavirus. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is working with partners there and encouraging gifts to the UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund.

Serving faithfully for 200 years

Relief during the 200 years of Methodist Mission

Effective mission crosses boundaries. That’s a keynote of the new book, Methodist mission at 200. Readers are encouraged to carry Christ’s love into a third century. 

EngageMI helps you transform the world

Engage MI

EngageMI 2020-2021 is a new mission resource that will guide engagement with neighbors near and far in the new year. Two copies have been mailed to each local church and… Continue Reading EngageMI helps you transform the world

The Michigan Conference