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Board grants HAPI $100,000 for clinic

General Board grant benefits HAPI

A gift to Haitian Assets for Peace International (HAPI) is among the $13 million in grants made by the General Board of Global Ministries during their spring meeting.

Still thanking God for Imagine No Malaria

Imagine no Malaria touched her life

The Global Health initiative of the General Board of Global Ministries has integrated the work of Imagine No Malaria with its Mother, Newborn, and Child Health program.

Ganta Hospital among rehabbed facilities

Workers expand Ganta Hospital facilities

UM Global Health initiated a Health Systems Strengthening program to improve quality of services at mission hospitals including Ganta Hospital.

God can do anything

Youth running a lemonade stand

Starting at age 6, Molly McNamara and her friend ran a lemonade stand that raised $100,000 for Imagine No Malaria.

Saving lives at Ganta Hospital

Missionary Mary Zigbuo tells the life-changing story of 15-year-old Shadrach.

Global AIDS Fund moves ahead

Millions of people continue to live with HIV/AIDS. The UMC steps up its education and advocacy.

Four Areas of Focus reaffirmed

General Conference hears about the achievements, vision and goals of The UMC’s Four Areas of Focus.

Imagining a healthy world

The grassroots, including disciples across Michigan, celebrate The United Methodist Commitment to Abundant Health.

Malaria cut in half

World Malaria Day, April 25, is a time to celebrate United Methodists putting faith into action to end preventable deaths from malaria.

The Michigan Conference