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Telling the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sacred Worth book about Dr. Martin Luther King

The Sacred Worth book series tells the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others with “the hope that children may grow to see themselves and all others as… Continue Reading Telling the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let’s advocate for paths to citizenship

JFON advocates for citizenship

The Rev. Paul Perez reflects on the privileges of U.S. citizenship and invites United Methodists to support campaigns aiding undocumented immigrants.

Social Principles under construction

Tasked by General Conference, Church and Society continues Social Principles revision.

Prayers and postcards seek justice

A United Methodist Deacon offers counsel on how to impact today’s health care system.

Native peoples connect

New working group offers a platform for joint acts of justice for United Methodists with native heritages.

UMs prep for planet protection

United Methodists prepare to redouble their efforts to address the threat of climate change.

The Michigan Conference