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Ways to support UM hurricane relief

Volunteers pray after hurricane disaster

Two powerful hurricanes have devastated the southeastern United States in a short time. Here are ways you can join our United Methodist response to these disasters.

Ready to travel to YOUTH 2023?

YOUTH 2023 logo

Every four years, United Methodist youth from across the connection gather for four days of discipleship, fun, and fellowship. Are your church’s youth ready to attend YOUTH 2023 in Daytona… Continue Reading Ready to travel to YOUTH 2023?

Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian

Cleaning kit components spread out on the floor

In response to disasters in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, Michigan United Methodists are called to pray, donate cleaning kits (extended to Oct. 24), and give financially to… Continue Reading Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian

UMCOR jump starts Dorian relief

Damage inflicted by Hurricane Dorian in Bahamas

Hurricane Dorian is now taking its last swipe on the east coast of the United States. UMCOR watches progress. Dollars and supplies are on the way to the hard-hit Bahamas.

Deborah K. Ferris

Deborah K. Ferris Our prayers go out to the Ferris family on the passing of Deborah Kay (Kennedy) Ferris who died on May 31, 2019.  Deb is survived by her… Continue Reading Deborah K. Ferris

The Michigan Conference