Tag: Finance
Assembling the dream finance team

Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis recommends creating a well-rounded “dream team” that brings together a variety of skills and gifts to steward your church’s finances.
Bring the gift of good financial health to your congregation

The winter session of the virtual Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being course offered by the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan begins January 17.
Make Saving Grace an adult study choice

Michigan congregations should consider offering this six-session course which connects faith and money through biblical teaching, Wesleyan insight, and basic financial practices.
Being better at church business

Glenn Wagner offers ideas from scripture and from experience about how to help churches with the business details of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
State of the Michigan Conference

On Friday, June 4, members of the 2021 Michigan Annual Conference heard reports about benefits, finances, strategic plans, lay empowerment, trustee matters, and camp operations.
COVID-19 top church story for 2020

When United Methodist communicators around the globe voted on the most significant events in the denomination in 2020, COVID-19 and the grief it has caused was named the top story… Continue Reading COVID-19 top church story for 2020
Beware these phishing scams

Phishing emails targeting United Methodists are on the uptick. One email making the rounds is a classic pyramid scheme, asking for a contribution and promising big returns.
Start 2021 with financial health

Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship and Generosity for Discipleship Ministries, thinks “beyond the budget and checkbook” for a healthy start to 2021.
Michigan districts celebrate jubilee

The Boards of Mission in the districts of The Michigan Conference are supporting new ministry initiatives thanks to actions taken by the 2018 Annual Conference. Superintendents’ Dowry Reports have details.
UMC copes with financial strain

U.S. conferences — like the congregations they serve — are feeling the financial pinch. But they are finding ways to offer churches relief and strengthen ministry in these lean times.