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NCJ committee proposes return to 9 bishops

Members of the NCJ College of Bishops

The Committee on Episcopacy recommends to delegates to the upcoming North Central Jurisdictional Conference that the number of active bishops is not sustainable and should be returned to nine until… Continue Reading NCJ committee proposes return to 9 bishops

Plan for NCJ virtual session changes

Bishop Bard shares message on AAPI violence

On behalf of NCJ College of Bishops, President David Bard shares a new schedule for the North Central Jurisdictional Conference Nov, 10-11.

NCJ elects Laurie Haller

The North Central Jurisdiction elected the Rev. Laurie Haller bishop on the 13th ballot taken mid-day Thursday, July 14.

NCJ blessed by e-voting

The North Central Jurisdictional Conference used electronic voting for the first time in 2016. The hand-held devices proved to be a blessing.

Delegates from Conferences across the North Central Jurisdiction gather in Peoria July 13-16 to elect 4 bishops.

The Michigan Conference