Tag: Division
Work together to fix the problems

How do we begin to heal our nation’s brokenness? Cheryl Bistayi ponders what might happen if we worked together to find solutions rather than shouting at the problems.
We share the same DNA

Rev. John Kasper urges us to remember that our unity in faith and grace holds us together as Christians and shapes our message to the world.
Take a moment or two for joy

Bishop David Bard, in this month’s Joyful Journey, encourages us to carve out time for joy-filled moments, so that we may have the capacity to care for the world’s pain… Continue Reading Take a moment or two for joy
District Dialogue: collateral damage

Collateral damage — harm to untargeted others — may be a real consequence if the pending divide takes place in The United Methodist Church. The Rev. John Hice reflects on… Continue Reading District Dialogue: collateral damage
Realities of large-scale division

A self-professed “Wesleyan nerd” analyzes the consequences of a break up of The UMC.
Bridging political tensions

Pastor Carey Nieuwhof believes the church can be an agent of hope in today’s divided culture.