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A lawyer with a gift

Vorbrich volunteering at school

At age five, he dressed up as a lawyer for career day. Today Andy Vorbrich dons his suit as an attorney in Kalamazoo and chancellor of The Michigan Conference.

Delegates ponder GC postponement

View of 2020 Michigan delegates

Michigan Conference delegates to the next General Conference reflect on the pluses and minuses of the delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Preview of 2020 General Conference

Kennetha Bigham-Tsai provides preview of business

With the 2020 General Conference 13 weeks away, United Methodists visited Nashville last week for a preview of what’s ahead.

Scripture key in WCA discipline

WCA meets on future of church

The WCA has released a first draft of Doctrines and Discipline, toward the possible creation of a new, traditionalist church.

Connectional Table ponders future

Kennetha Bigham-Tsai leds Connectional Table

As conversations happen across The United Methodist Church about possible splits, the Connectional Table wants a place at the table. 

Breakin’ up is hard to do

Woman praying at General Conference 2019

Relationships — between individuals, nations, churches, or denominations — are complex. Jack Harnish explores the difficulties United Methodists now face.

The Michigan Conference