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AC legislation, budget posted

Woman studying legislation

Legislation for the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference has been posted, along with video reports and the proposed 2025 budget.

UMC faces financial, structural realities

Giving a budget presentation

On the final day of the 2024 General Conference, delegates passed a general budget for the next quadrennia with a bottom line that could change depending on how high collections… Continue Reading UMC faces financial, structural realities

2023 Ministry Shares due December 31

Girl taking up offering at church

Churches have until December 31 to submit final Ministry Share remittances for 2023, and any Ministry Shares received in the new year will be applied to 2024.

Conference focuses on vision and goals during restructuring

finance report

Due to budget cuts, on July 1, 2023, the Michigan Conference initiated several staff changes and is realigning efforts to meet the conference’s vision and strategic goals.

Disaffiliation, budget top AC business

Voting at Annual Conference

Clergy and lay members will vote on various business and legislative matters at the 2023 Michigan Annual Conference, including approving the disaffiliation of 60 churches.

Conference program staff to transition, reduce

Michigan Conference administrative office

The Michigan Conference announces program staff restructuring, reductions, and reassignments needed to meet budget projections for 2024.

Conference takes care of business

Plenary gets down to business

“This is what we are here for.” For many members, the heart of the Annual Conference is the raising of the card to vote on the business at hand.

Leaders consider the UMC’s bottom line

Leaders look at the offering plate

For now, leaders of the General Council on Finance and Administration propose cutting the budget for denomination-wide ministries by nearly a third, starting in 2023.

Finance board gets update on giving

COVID-19 is one factor affecting finance in the UMC reports uptick in giving during COVID

The General Council on Finance and Administration learns of  volatility in apportionment giving across the connection. Collection rates in the first quarter varied widely among the seven general church funds.

General Agencies cutting back

Board of Global Ministries one of agencies making cuts

Faced with an ongoing pandemic and denominational uncertainty, United Methodist general agencies are reducing staff while trying to stay true to their missions.

The Michigan Conference