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Prentiss appointed as new DS

New district superintendent

Bishop David Bard announces the appointment of the Rev. Dean Prentiss as the next superintendent of the Greater Southwest District, effective July 1, 2024.

Give in this season of love

Ministries receiving money from Advent offering

Bishop David Bard’s Advent offering will support two Michigan Conference-initiated ministries: Readers to Leaders and After the Storm.

Kindness matters this Christmas

Christmas tree ornament with Mary and Joseph

In this season of love, Bishop David Bard invites us to let the Holy Spirit enlarge our hearts so they stay a little bigger and kinder.

‘Move toward a new horizon’

Bishop Bard leads the Special Session

The Michigan Conference prepares to move forward following the November 30 vote to approve the disaffiliation of 62 churches from The United Methodist Church.

Special Session set for Thursday

Voting at Annual Conference

On Thursday, November 30, lay and clergy members of the Michigan Conference will meet online to vote to approve the disaffiliation of 62 churches.

ABAR education moves forward

ABAR logo

The Michigan Conference announces updates to the Anti-Bias/Anti-Racism Education & Training online curriculum and our commitment to becoming an anti-racist conference.

Make your giving count the most

Mother and child in Giving Tuesday ad

On #GivingTuesday, November 28, focus on #BeUMC and give financially to mission and ministry projects supported by the Michigan Conference.

Expanding our empathy

Flower emerging from fire

In response to ongoing war and violence, Bishop David Alan Bard calls us to rigorous discipleship as we open ourselves to new ideas, deeper acts of care, and fresh initiatives… Continue Reading Expanding our empathy

Advent offering, resources announced

Advent candles

The Michigan Conference announces the recipients of this year’s Advent offering along with updated resources for children and families.

Whites commissioned to lifetime service

Whites commissioned at Leland Community UMC

Michelle and Bill White of 5Loaves2Fish Northern Michigan commit to a lifetime of lay ministry as the Michigan Conference’s newest deaconess and home missioner.

The Michigan Conference