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Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC

Speaker at conference

STEP THREE: In 2022 Michigan churches’ contributions through EngageMI increased by 38%. We led the denomination in giving to national and international advance projects. Continue Reading Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC

Conference celebrates EngageMI churches

Doing repairs

The Michigan Conference celebrates how many United Methodist congregations here in Michigan are leaders in mission through the EngageMI program.

UMCOR is ‘in Michigan’s DNA’

Food being given to people in Turkey following an earthquake

Partnering to do good in the face of tragedy is seen across generations in the Michigan Conference, by strong support of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR Sunday is… Continue Reading UMCOR is ‘in Michigan’s DNA’

Take action on Advocacy Day

Church leaders in front of Michigan State Capitol

Register for the 30-minute Lunch and Learn webinar on Feb. 14 to learn more about Advocacy Day and how you can do something about gun violence prevention here in Michigan.

Gun violence prevention picks up speed

Religious leaders speaking in front of the Michigan State Capitol

The Michigan Conference has joined a growing movement seeking to make gun violence prevention a priority for state lawmakers. Are you passionate about this issue? If so, join other Michigan… Continue Reading Gun violence prevention picks up speed

Take next steps in gun violence prevention

Michigan state capitol in Lansing

Michigan United Methodists are invited to take the next steps in gun violence prevention by saving the date for Advocacy Day at Central UMC in Lansing on March 22, 2023… Continue Reading Take next steps in gun violence prevention

Watch for EngageMI books and buttons

Motown Mission is a Ministry Partner in the EngageMI book

There are familiar projects and some new ministry partners in the EngageMI 2022-2023 books to be introduced at Annual Conference and mailed to churches soon.

Churches welcome Afghan arrivals

United Methodist congregations across the state continue to raise funds and collect household goods to welcome Afghan arrivals to Michigan.

‘End Gun Violence Michigan’ organizes

Group opposes gun violence

United Methodists Across the state are encouraged to support efforts to stop gun violence in Michigan. Resources and advocacy opportunities here.

MI Conference hires new CFO

Welcome new staff members

The Michigan Conference welcomes Angie Anger as the new CFO effective January 17, 2022. The Rev. Alice Fleming Townley joins the staff in a new capacity, and the Rev. Gary… Continue Reading MI Conference hires new CFO

The Michigan Conference