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A life of faith-fueled advocacy

Mary Gladstone-Highland

Mary Gladstone-Highland reflects on how the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church has shaped her advocacy for LGBTQ justice and inclusion.

Trust in the risen Christ

Shalom Gate at HAPI in Haiti

With the humanitarian crisis in Haiti in mind, Bishop David Bard asks us to live out our resurrection faith and labor for a more peaceful and just world.

UMs spread their ‘healing wings’

Ruth Ann Church talks to Rep. Felicia Brabec

Through courageous witness, 250 United Methodists and friends journeyed to the State Capitol to tell their stories and champion mental health care access for all Michiganders.

Mental health is a faith matter

Resource pack provided by a church

Holland: First UMC is taking bold steps to educate their congregation and make their spaces more inclusive for those challenged by mental illness.

600 butterflies needed for Advocacy Day

Cellophane and clothespin butterflies

Make butterflies as a Lenten activity at church or a personal prayer practice and support the Michigan Conference’s witness for better mental health care for all.

Mental health care is a justice matter

Deacon Michelle King shares her story of mental illness and why she commits to fighting for justice so that everyone gets the treatment they need — no matter what.

Advocacy Day 2024 to address mental health

People walking from the Michigan State Capitol

The Michigan Conference announces Advocacy Day 2024, to be held March 13 in Lansing, and the topic is mental health care access.

Advocacy Day: Supporting Mental Health Care Access

Advocacy Day 2024 save the date

Let’s join our voices to care for those struggling with mental health Join hundreds of United Methodists at the State Capitol in Lansing next March to advocate for access to… Continue Reading Advocacy Day: Supporting Mental Health Care Access

Advocacy alert issued for Drive SAFE bills

Driver's license application

The Michigan Conference Committee on Hispanic/Latino Ministries urges United Methodists to contact their state legislators now to vote for bills supporting driver’s licenses for all.

Ways to support UM campus ministries

The Rock on the campus of MSU

The Michigan Conference’s Division of Higher Education and Campus Ministry speaks out in solidarity for all Michigan campus ministries and calls on United Methodists across the state to pray for… Continue Reading Ways to support UM campus ministries

The Michigan Conference