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Conferencing as a means of grace

Bishop leading discussion

In this conferencing season, says Bishop David Bard, may we strive to become conduits of God’s grace for one another.

Conference embraces fearless spirit

Two women embracing

On the heels of a historic General Conference, United Methodists embrace a fearless spirit of renewed mission and ministry at the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference.

Annual Conference begins next week

Kite and AC logo

The 2024 Michigan Annual Conference begins next week, and Michigan UMs will worship God, conduct business, and embrace a new future together.

Ways to get moving at AC

Women doing chair yoga

Whether you’re at home or attending Annual Conference, everyone can join the Michigan Conference’s initiative to “Move to End Child Hunger,” regardless of fitness level.

AC legislation, budget posted

Woman studying legislation

Legislation for the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference has been posted, along with video reports and the proposed 2025 budget.

AC orientation for lay members

People voting at Annual Conference

An Annual Conference orientation for laity will be held via Zoom on May 16 and 18. First-time participants and those needing a refresher are welcome.

See what your time and $2 can do

Heart made of rice

All ages and abilities are invited to participate in a fun, hands-on activity at Annual Conference as we raise money for supplies and assemble rice meal packs for hunger relief.

AC reminders, key dates

Children flying kites in field

Reminders about legislation, the conference budget, and the April 30 end of early registration for the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference have been posted.

The Michigan Conference