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A season of creation care

The world’s faithful have entered into a month of prayer and action for the health of God’s earth.

On 1 September churches worldwide came together to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and to observe the Season of Creation between that day and 4 October, a day for celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Many Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican organizations will join to encourage 2.2 billion Christians worldwide to pray and act on ecological issues during the month of September.

Individuals and communities are invited to organize prayer services celebrated at local levels which will be showcased on a global map to illustrate the scale of the collaboration. Individuals are also invited to participate online through Facebook events and Thunderclap campaigns to promote the #SeasonOfCreation hashtag.

The convening organizations leading the Season of Creation promotion efforts are: World Council of Churches, Anglican Communion Environmental Network, Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), Global Catholic Climate Movement, ACT Alliance and GreenFaith.


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Last Updated on September 7, 2016

The Michigan Conference