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Ruth P. Hoover

Ruth P. Hoover

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Ruth P. Hoover who died on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at the age of 97. She is survived by three sons, Paul of Florida, Jonathan of Jackson and Phillip of Kansas, and one daughter, Deborah of Canton; eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Ruth was widowed by the passing of her husband, Rev. Russell Hoover (retired West Michigan Conference clergy), in 2004.

While raising her children and teaching piano, Ruth served as a pastor’s wife for some 35 years. She and her husband served a number of United Methodist churches, including congregations at Wynn, Eagle, North Muskegon and Breckenridge. They served at First Methodist Church in Jackson, (1959-1961), Leslie Congregational Church and Grass Lake Federated Church. In later years they were active members of the congregation at Brookside United Methodist Church. Ruth and Russell together managed Hoover Music on Wisner Street in Jackson, 1971-1983. After hip replacement surgery in 2012, Ruth moved from her Michigan Avenue home in Jackson to Arbor Oaks Living Center in Spring Arbor. During her time there she was able to maintain ties with many friends, including a number from the congregation at Brookside United Methodist Church. In July of 2015, family members traveled from California, Arizona, Kansas and Florida, gathering in Spring Arbor, to wish her a happy 95th birthday. She enjoyed the occasion very much.

Visitation and a memorial service were held earlier this week. 

Condolences can be sent to:
Jon Hoover
813 Woodwirth
Jackson, MI 49203

Last Updated on January 29, 2019

The Michigan Conference