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Rev. Paton M. Zimmerman, Sr.

Rev. Paton M. Zimmerman, Sr.

The Rev. Paton MacGilvary Zimmerman, Sr., retired Detroit Conference clergy, went home to be with his Lord and his beloved wife, Virginia, on November 27, 2018.

He was licensed first as a Local Pastor in 1977, Ordained a Deacon in the United Methodist Church in 1978, and subsequently an Ordained Elder in 1983.  In his active pastoral ministry, he served a 3 point charge in Maryland, and churches in Ann Arbor, MI and ultimately Warren, MI until his retirement in 1995. This was his second retirement, both from Warren, MI.  From that time, he has served as a retired minister in Beverly Hills, MI; Birmingham, MI; and Clayton NC. He became a member of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church (LCMS) in April 2005 in Birmingham, MI.

A memorial service was held earlier this month at the Holy Cross Lutheran Church in North Carolina.  Condolences may be sent to Elizabeth M. Coleman, 1032 Newburgh Circle, Raleigh, NC 27603.

Last Updated on December 19, 2018

The Michigan Conference