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The United Methodist Church Resource Page

The United Methdist Church


The United Methodist Church (sometimes called the General Church) has many online resources for the local church.  Here are a few of the most popular online resources.  If you have difficulty finding what you need, we encourage you to email the General Church at infoserv@umcom.org.

US-2 Hudson
The Discipline 2016

2016 Book of Discipline

The Book of Discipline constitutes the law and doctrine of the United Methodist Church.

UMC.org Website


The official website of The United Methodist Church featuring information and resources.

ReThink Easter

Rethink Church

The welcoming campaign of The United Methodist Church that encourages a global spiritual dialogue both within and outside the church.

The Way Forward

A Way Forward

Commission established by General Conference 2016 to discern issues surrounding the LBGTQ community and the UMC.

Last Updated on December 8, 2023

The Michigan Conference