Let's Get To Work
Congratulations! You've made it this far. Many people turn down the daunting task of facing their own limitations. The cultural vibrancy team truly appreciates your commitment to better understanding yourself and those around you, even though the work can be frustrating.
Below you will find resources selected to help guide you in your cultural understanding. We recommend starting with the small resources first (that is, those that don't take much time like a video or article) and moving to those that are more time consuming. We sincerely hope that you try to engage with each resource with an open mind.
Plan to spend some time after reading or watching your resource to journal. Give yourself at least fifteen minutes to de-compress and explore any feelings, questions, and assumptions you may have. These will be helpful in guiding you towards next steps in your growth.
Thank you again for your commitment to Cultural Vibrancy.

Do Black Lives Matter to White Christians?: The answer may seem obvious, but is it? This short video is an introduction to the book Original Sin by Jim Wallis (1 min) Watch Here.
Healing Justice: Film that explores the dynamics of the justice system and how they impact marginalized communities. Watch the trailer and explore the World Trust website Here. (3 mins) Then, watch the film Here.
Why Mindfulness and Trauma-Informed Teaching Don't Always go Together: One of the spaces in which implicit bias does tremendous harm is in the classroom. Teachers hold implicit bias just like the rest of us, the consequence, however harms a large number of marginalized children every day. With the growth in popularity of Mindfulness, one may think a teacher who practices mindfulness is too healthy of a person to cause such harm. Think again. (25 mins) Read Here.
The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates: Perhaps Ta-Nehisi Coates' most famous piece of writing "The Case for Reparations" tells the story of American practices that have directly, and purposefully prevented African Americans from gaining meaningful traction on the financial playing field. (1 hr) Read or Listen Here.
How to be an Anti Racist by Ibram X Kendi: This novel takes us on a journey through the author's understanding of the deep complexities of racism, and how it intersects with multiple facets of life. Read Here.
Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates: Written as a letter to his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates addresses the conflicts of living as an African American male in today's society. Profoundly touching, this novel holds back nothing from it's poignant portrayal of marginalized life. Read Summary Here.
Last Updated on October 26, 2022