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North Korea flood relief

Bishop Hee Soo Jung will travel from Wisconsin to Korea to help deliver food and blankets to flood victims.

The Peace Committee of the Korean Association of the United Methodists plans to travel to North Korea on November 29, 2016  to deliver relief items.

Heavy flooding between the end of August and the beginning of September, 2016 hit the northern part of the North Korea with 138 death, over 400 missing persons, and more than 140,000 people displaced. More than 30,000 buildings including schools and homes were destroyed and more than 600,000 people are affected and in need of urgent assistance as the region enters the season of bitter cold winter.

The Peace Committee has been providing humanitarian assistance to the people of North Korea for the last twenty years through donations shared by Korean United Methodists and their churches in America. The committee is working with the North Korean government to provide $100,000 worth of relief items including 10,000 winter blankets, 1,000 sleeping bags, 1,000 children’s winter coats, and 12 tons of rice.   

Bishop Hee Soo Jung, the President of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church and Rev. James Jongho Kim First United Methodist Church of Flushing (a senior advisor of the Peace Committee), NY will oversee the transfer of these items at the northern border of Nam Yang, North Korea.

The Peace Committee plans to work with the United Methodist Committee on Relief and the Korean United Methodist Churches in providing the second relief assistance in the first half of 2017. The relief and rebuilding work is expected to take longer than a year. 


Last Updated on November 28, 2016

The Michigan Conference