The REACH Summit on Oct. 24 is the beginning of a year-long relationship of ongoing support through a REACH Network Group or coaching. Serious about change? Register now.

Computers need them. So do smartphones. Churches do, too. Updates help people and operating systems boost functionality without slowing down. That’s how the Rev. Andy Lee of Commerce United Methodist Church describes the REACH Movement, which includes the upcoming REACH Summit.
The REACH Movement was launched to help churches grow and multiply in a rapidly changing world.
“Some of the differences in our denomination, our past, how we’re structured, is not so conducive to making big, quick, or impactful changes,” Lee explains. “Change is not always part of our DNA. REACH brings you an infusion of new DNA or a new way of doing things.”
Most churches want to grow and multiply God’s kingdom. But in a world of continual change and pandemic, they may not be sure where to begin or how to continue. That’s where the REACH Summit comes in.
The Summit, now in its 7th year, is open to all church leaders. It offers a variety of pathways for churches to travel to update their culture, move outward in love, and win new people to Christ for the transformation of the world. It will be held online October 24, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Rachel Gilmore, planting pastor at The Gathering at Scott Memorial United Methodist Church in Virginia Beach, VA, will keynote on Pandemic Pitfalls and Possibilities. Rachel is currently director of Recruiting, Assessing and Training Community Engagement and Church Planting at Path 1/Discipleship Ministries for the United Methodist Church.
Jake Mulder, co-author of Growing Young, keynotes about how churches can unleash the passion of young people. He is also senior director of Strategy at the Fuller Youth Institute, where he coordinates new research and helps the team think strategically.
Mulder and Gilmore will also lead morning and afternoon workshops. In addition, workshops will cover youth curriculum, cultural vibrancy, Hybrid Children’s Ministries, hybrid children’s ministries, Fresh Expressions, growing the church where you are, lay leadership, hospitality, launching a new service, and rethinking vision.
The cost for individuals is $59; groups of four or more can register together for $199. Once registered, Summit participants will receive a link to select workshops.
Last Updated on December 22, 2022