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Job openings at the Treasury

Job openings. Join our team

Best wishes to two Conference employees who are in transition. Are you good with numbers and with people, too? Consider these two job openings on the Michigan Conference staff.

With the coming of fall come changes in the staff in the Treasury and Benefits departments of The  Michigan Conference. 

Nancy Wyllys. As she retires, there's a job opening.
Nancy Wyllys

It is with both joy and sorrow that the Treasury announces the retirement of Nancy Wyllys, Accounts Payable Clerk and Moving Coordinator. Nancy will retire effective September 26, 2019.

Nancy started in Treasury on July 28, 2015 and has been not only responsible for all accounts payable but for handling the pastoral moves for the conference.

Conference Treasurer David Dobbs says, “Nancy’s dedication to doing her job right and well will be greatly missed by everyone in the conference. We wish her well.”

Jennifer Gertz. As she changes positions, there is a job opening.
Jennifer Gertz

Administrative Services is also pleased to announce that Jennifer Gertz will soon be assuming her position as Executive Administrative Assistant, full time, with the Conference Benefits Department. Jennifer’s position is currently split between Treasury and Benefits, which until recently had included responsibilities as the EZRA Database Specialist.

“As the personnel needs of the Benefits Office continue to evolve, Jennifer will now dedicate her focus primarily to one area of ministry, a more effective utilization of her administrative and customer service skills.” 

As these personnel moves take place, applications are now being accepted for two new job openings …

Questions about the application process or conference policy for either job opening may be directed to Don Emmert, Director of Benefits and Human Resources, demmert@michiganumc.org, or Ellen Zienart, Personnel Chair, ekzienert@gmail.com.

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference