JFON - Michigan announces a two-week initiative to raise awareness about immigration policies and to make communities places of welcoming hospitality.
Justice For Our Neighbors- Michigan invites participation in a 24-hour fast (as you define it) between September 11 and September 21 (The International Day of Prayer). The purpose is to share in an act of resistance to current immigration policies, particularly those that separate families.
Jonquil Bertschi, Executive Director of JFON - Michigan, notes: "Justice for Our Neighbors respects each person’s determined fight to achieve a better life. My family and I will be fasting as a show of resistance against our country’s inhumane immigration system."
Pledge to Fast by clicking here. Once you are signed up, JFON - Michigan will send reminders and sample social media messages you can use to announce your participation in the serious issues the fast represents and encourage others to join you in the effort.
JFON says, "You know about the children at the border who are still separated from their parents. You know about the Dreamers, who were brought to the United States as young children and call this country home. You know about the refugees fleeing violence and struggling to keep their family safe. You know about the asylum seekers hoping to escape persecution. And you know about mothers and fathers seeking, simply, a better life for their kids." The fast gives public witness to that knowledge. Bertschi adds, "Now, more than ever, we must stand together and speak up for families torn apart by these cruel policies.”
Those who wish to donate in lieu of fasting or in addition to fasting, can visit jfonmi.org/donate/ or send donations to: JFON-MI 207 Fulton St E Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
For more information, please contact Raquel Owens at Raquel@jfonmi.org.
Last Updated on October 31, 2023