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Conference staff member Lisa Batten updates this page and may have answers to your questions. She also regularly teaches programs on how to apply to grants.
Grant: Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Fighting Hunger Grants
Communities Eligible: U.S. and Canada
Purpose: Provides grants to non-profit organizations throughout the United States and Canada who fight hunger in our communities. Grantable programs may include, but are not limited to local food pantries, food banks, meal assistance programs for children, families, seniors and more.
Applications due: Closes January 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
More information: https://alphagammadeltafoundation.org/fighting-hunger-grants/
Ongoing Community Grants
Grant: Kroger Community Rewards
Communities Eligible: State-wide
Purpose: Various
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
Grant: ALDI Community Gift Card Program
Communities Eligible: Nonprofit organizations, K-12 schools, and Native American Tribes/Nations in the communities where ALDI stores are located.
Purpose: Various
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://corporate.aldi.us/corporate-sustainability/community/aldi-community-gift-card-program/
Grant: 5 Healthy Towns Foundation
Communities Eligible: Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester, and Stockbridge, MI.
Purpose: To cultivate improvements in personal and community wellness.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://www.5healthytowns.org/regional-grant-applications/
Grant: Berrien Community Foundation
Communities Eligible: Berrien Community
Purpose: Part of the Frederick S. Upton Foundation Big Idea Grant Program for innovative programming ideas aimed at serving and enhancing the quality of life for residents in the Berrien County.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://www.berriencommunity.org/UptonBigIdea
Grant: The Adient Foundation
Communities Eligible: The communities where Adient operates, and employees live and work.
Purpose: Areas of interest: Health, Education, Culture and the Arts, Civic Activities. The focus is on justice and law, community and neighborhood improvements, the environment, civil rights and equal opportunity, citizenship, and safety.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://www.adient.com/about-us/adient-foundation/
Grant: The American Foundation
Communities Eligible: State-wide
Purpose: To support the sustainable development of agriculture and community food systems, the protection of natural resources, and the conservation of early American heritage.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://americanafoundation.org/
Grant: Frank N. Andersen Foundation
Communities Eligible: Bay and Saginaw counties, MI.
Purpose: To support nonprofit organizations in the areas of arts and culture, children and youth, community development, education, health, people with disabilities, and social services, including hunger.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: PO Box 225 Bridgeport, MI 48722
Grant: The Gerber Foundation West Michigan Youth Programs
Communities Eligible: Lake, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Oceana Counties in West Michigan.
Purpose: Grants are geared towards projects serving youth from 0-18 years of age. A special emphasis is placed on projects focused on the following major target areas: health, nutrition, & dental issues, early childhood services & literacy, parenting education, education (including science, technology, engineering, arts/agriculture, and math), life experience (camp scholoarships, agricultural science education, 4-H and FFA)
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://www.gerberfoundation.org/west-michigan-grants/
Grant: Meijer Simply Give Program
Communities Eligible: Those in the Meijer market areas.
Purpose: grants to programs addressing food scarcity with food items, meals, etc.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: Fill out the form here: https://www.printfriendly.com/document/meijer-donation-request-form-instructions/editor
- Return to your local Meijer along with,
- Proof of non-profit status (IRS Letter with EIN number)
- A completed W9 form and any necessary letters.
- Submit the form to the customer service desk at your Meijer store.
- Await notification of your application status within 60 days.
Grant: Wedge Foundation
Communities Eligible: Lake, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Oceana Counties in West Michigan.
Purpose: Has a focus on Arts & Culture (20%), Environment (35%), Education (25%), Community Health and Wellbeing (20%) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Applications due: Spring and Fall
More information: https://wegefoundation.com/grants/
Ongoing Technology Grants
Grant: Beaumont Foundation
Communities Eligible: Statewide
Purpose: Children, Youth, Education, Social Services, Fallen Heroes
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://bmtfoundation.com/
Grant: Booz Allen Foundation
Communities Eligible:
Purpose: Inspiring and Empowering diverse populations to explore and pursue new pathways of opportunity for STEM and advanced tech careers.
Applications due: Ongoing
More information: https://boozallenfoundation.org/index.php/about-us/
Last Updated on December 12, 2024