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Michigan Conference Statistician
Pamela Stewart                                                
517-347-4030 ext. 4137
[email protected]   

Please contact me if you have questions or need assistance regarding your Local Church Report. My office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Outside those hours, you may send me an email or leave a voicemail, and I will get back to you. Thank you!

Statistician's  Page

Welcome, local churches! This page contains documents to aid you in submitting your end-of year Local Church Report to the Annual Conference, familiarly known as Tables 1, 2 and 3.

To log in:

You will use the Michigan Annual Conference Statistics website, https://stats.gcfa.org.

Your username is your 6-digit General Conference Number. Find your General Conference Number here.

Common church names may be prefixed with their city – for example, Detroit: Central UMC.

The Book of Discipline requires every church to submit this report by the end of January each year. It also requires that the appointed or assigned pastor in church is ultimately responsible for the timely and accurate submission of the report - even if others do the work. (BOD ¶340.2c) (2) (f)

Information on the 2024 Local Church Statistical Report will be available on this page in mid-November of 2024.

Overview – Read This First 

Frequently asked Questions  

Church Valuation Help

Church Types for reporting

Calculating Attendance

How to Count Attendance
How to Count Virtual Worship Attendance
Virtual Attendance Counting Tips from the Missouri Conference


2023 Blank Statistical Tables to use as a worksheet. Please disregard any prefilled figures. This is a test page that cannot be changed.
Clergy Compensation Worksheet
GCFA Statistical Forms in Spanish and Korean

Last Updated on April 8, 2024

The Michigan Conference