Greater Southwest District Winter 2025 Lay Servant Courses
KALAMAZOO: WESTWOOD UMC 538 Nichols Rd, Kalamazoo, MIFree. Participants responsible for purchasing book & bringing a sack lunch. Westwood UMC - 538 Nichols Rd., Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Saturdays: January 18 and 25 from 9am to 3pm Courses… Continue Reading Greater Southwest District Winter 2025 Lay Servant Courses
Long-Term Recovery Disaster Reponse and Volunteer in Mission Training
WHITE LAKE UMC Cook Street, Montague, Michigan, United StatesThis training is for those who want to work long-term on disaster recovery teams (usually 1-2 weeks), domestic or international mission journeys, or partner with a certified Early Response team.… Continue Reading Long-Term Recovery Disaster Reponse and Volunteer in Mission Training
Book Study – The Anxious Generation
Via ZoomJoin other faith formation leaders via Zoom to discuss Jonathan Haidt’s book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness and its… Continue Reading Book Study – The Anxious Generation
Adaptive Leadership in Faith Formation Ministries Cohort
Via ZoomIn a rapidly changing world, faith formation ministries require leaders who can navigate complexity with creativity and resilience. Adaptive Leadership in Faith Formation Ministries is a cohort designed to equip ministry leaders… Continue Reading Adaptive Leadership in Faith Formation Ministries Cohort
Winter Retreat: Sacred Rhythm – Pilgrimage in Place
Via ZoomThis choose-your-own-location retreat is for those who want to explore Celtic Christianity and contemplative Christian practices in the tradition of Saint Brigid, an Irish saint. Join facilitators Lisa Batten, Rev.… Continue Reading Winter Retreat: Sacred Rhythm – Pilgrimage in Place
Winter Retreat: Sacred Rhythm – Pilgrimage in Place
Via ZoomThis choose-your-own-location retreat is for those who want to explore Celtic Christianity and contemplative Christian practices in the tradition of Saint Brigid, an Irish saint. Join facilitators Lisa Batten, Rev.… Continue Reading Winter Retreat: Sacred Rhythm – Pilgrimage in Place
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u
Intro to the Enneagram
Kalamazoo Wesley Foundation 2350 Ring Rd N, Kalamazoo, MI, United StatesIf you've found yourself curious about the basics of how the Enneagram functions, realizing your Enneagram type, or gaining insights as to how you can incorporate the Enneagram into your… Continue Reading Intro to the Enneagram
Northern Skies District LSM Class: Basic
We will be having a Basic Lay Servant Course at the First UMC of Hermansville. This event will happen on 2/1, 2/8, and 2/15 from 8am-12pm CST. You will need… Continue Reading Northern Skies District LSM Class: Basic
Fund Development 101
ZoomA training for churches and non-profits who are beginning to diversify their funding sources. We know tithes and offerings no longer carry the budget in most of our congregations and… Continue Reading Fund Development 101