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Event Series Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow

Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow


Asking the right questions is an essential part of being a coach. Basic coaching skills can dramatically improve your effectiveness, increase a leader’s impact in the faith community and the local community, and prepare leaders to effectively coach each other in partnerships with peers. A starter class for those with no previous coaching experience.  A… Continue Reading Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow


Foundations of Children’s Ministry Cohort


This cohort focuses on basics of children’s ministry. There will be a blend of presentations on topics and cohort discussion. Topics may include: choosing and working with curriculum, planning and organizing your year, milestones, etc. Facilitator: Rev. Carol Van Buskirk Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10am-12pm (Eastern) on Zoom February-November (with a… Continue Reading Foundations of Children’s Ministry Cohort

Zoom Presentation: SAS Check-up


Whether you have no idea what SAS is or your church leadership is already using it effectively, there is an event for you! Wednesday, October 2nd learn if SAS is right for your church. Wednesday, October 9th learn the latest and best practices for SAS. Register by September 29th for either or both of these free online events.

Event Series Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort

Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort

Via Zoom

Join our three month cohort for faith formation leaders to learn, share, and connect. Cohorts in the Michigan Conference offer leaders regular meeting times with others in similar positions or interests. They have made a profound impact on leaders in Michigan and beyond. Past cohort participants have described the cohorts as a place for “community… Continue Reading Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort


Seasoned Faith Formation Leaders Cohort


A cohort for experienced faith formation leaders who work with all ages (an emphasis on ministry with children, youth, and families) with a blend of guest speakers and discussion.  Facilitator: Sherry Stone Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of the month from 10a-12p (Eastern) on Zoom February-November (with a break for the summer) Registration Fee: $299/$399 (MIUMC/non-MIUMC)… Continue Reading Seasoned Faith Formation Leaders Cohort

Genogram Part 1: Creating A Lifetime’s Family Diagram


Through our families of origin we learn to be friend, spouse, parent & co-worker; and our previous generations influence everything from language to mannerisms. Creating & exploring a family diagram or genogram expands a basic understanding of relationship systems and helps identify our patterns of behavior. Participants agree to mutually demonstrate trust, acceptance, kindness, confidentiality,… Continue Reading Genogram Part 1: Creating A Lifetime’s Family Diagram

Ministry with Gen Z Cohort


The Gen Z Cohort is for those who have a passion for young people and would like to be in ministry with Gen Z, the generation quickly becoming the largest in American yet, born between 1999-2015 (ages 8-24). This cohort will specifically focus on the youth and young adult age range of Gen Z, explore… Continue Reading Ministry with Gen Z Cohort

The Michigan Conference