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Soul Checkin: Creating An Arc Toward Inclusive Inclusion


Opening ourselves to value every person in every moment is being like Jesus. What expressions of your faith are important to you? What spiritual practices may help you see people different from you through our Creator’s eyes? Together we can create safe-brave spaces to think out loud about everyday ways to open our hearts. Spiritual… Continue Reading Soul Checkin: Creating An Arc Toward Inclusive Inclusion

Event Series Lifelong Faith Formation Cohort

Lifelong Faith Formation Cohort


The Lifelong Faith Formation cohort is designed to guide churches in envisioning and implementing a lifelong faith formation plan. John Roberto will walk cohort members through different models and approaches, building blocks for a plan, and resources for capacity building. Facilitator: John Roberto Meeting Time: Wednesday at 10am (Eastern) Jan. 10, Feb. 7, March 6,… Continue Reading Lifelong Faith Formation Cohort

Virtual Mission U Adult Study

United Women in Faith is sponsoring a Virtual Mission u Adult Study: Living the Kin-dom by Riva Tabelisma. This study gives fresh eyes to the Lord's Prayer. Often learned by rote, the Lord's Prayer is a rich guide for how we can live out God's kin-dom in our lives. Tabelisma invites participants in this study… Continue Reading Virtual Mission U Adult Study

Human Relations Day

Michigan Conference Center 1011 Northcrest Rd., Lansing, MI, United States

Virtual Mission U Adult Study

United Women in Faith is sponsoring a Virtual Mission u Adult Study: Living the Kin-dom by Riva Tabelisma. This study gives fresh eyes to the Lord's Prayer. Often learned by rote, the Lord's Prayer is a rich guide for how we can live out God's kin-dom in our lives. Tabelisma invites participants in this study… Continue Reading Virtual Mission U Adult Study

Family Systems Co-Learner Peer Group


To be human is to be in relationships.  This interactive family systems group will help you explore big picture thinking by viewing our relationships through a “systems thinking” lens.  In our relationships we can experience the very best of ourselves and the very worst.  Understanding systems helps us manage ourselves and others in stressful situations,… Continue Reading Family Systems Co-Learner Peer Group

Virtual Mission U Adult Study

United Women in Faith is sponsoring a Virtual Mission u Adult Study: Living the Kin-dom by Riva Tabelisma. This study gives fresh eyes to the Lord's Prayer. Often learned by rote, the Lord's Prayer is a rich guide for how we can live out God's kin-dom in our lives. Tabelisma invites participants in this study… Continue Reading Virtual Mission U Adult Study

The Michigan Conference