Foundations of Children’s Ministry Cohort
ZoomThis cohort focuses on basics of children’s ministry. There will be a blend of presentations on topics and cohort discussion. Topics may include: choosing and working with curriculum, planning and organizing your year, milestones, etc. Facilitator: Rev. Carol Van Buskirk Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10am-12pm (Eastern) on Zoom February-November (with a… Continue Reading Foundations of Children’s Ministry Cohort
Advocacy Day: Supporting Mental Health Care Access
Let's join our voices to care for those struggling with mental health Join hundreds of United Methodists at the State Capitol in Lansing next March to advocate for access to Mental Health Care, an issue that impacts every family in Michigan. Visit the 2024 Advocacy Day page to learn more.
Seasoned Faith Formation Leaders Cohort
ZoomA cohort for experienced faith formation leaders who work with all ages (an emphasis on ministry with children, youth, and families) with a blend of guest speakers and discussion. Facilitator: Sherry Stone Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of the month from 10a-12p (Eastern) on Zoom February-November (with a break for the summer) Registration Fee: $299/$399 (MIUMC/non-MIUMC)… Continue Reading Seasoned Faith Formation Leaders Cohort
Ministry with Gen Z Cohort
ZoomThe Gen Z Cohort is for those who have a passion for young people and would like to be in ministry with Gen Z, the generation quickly becoming the largest in American yet, born between 1999-2015 (ages 8-24). This cohort will specifically focus on the youth and young adult age range of Gen Z, explore… Continue Reading Ministry with Gen Z Cohort
Michigan Delegation Listening Session
A recording of the March 16, 2024, Michigan Delegation Listening Session can be watched HERE. The slides can be found HERE. The Michigan Conference Delegation to General Conference and North Central Jurisdictional Conference are busy preparing for the upcoming General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 23-May 3, 2024. We continue to have discussions… Continue Reading Michigan Delegation Listening Session
Soul Checkin: Creating An Arc Toward Inclusive Inclusion
ZoomOpening ourselves to value every person in every moment is being like Jesus. What expressions of your faith are important to you? What spiritual practices may help you see people different from you through our Creator’s eyes? Together we can create safe-brave spaces to think out loud about everyday ways to open our hearts. Spiritual… Continue Reading Soul Checkin: Creating An Arc Toward Inclusive Inclusion
Connectional Ministries Team Open Office Hours
ZoomHello! Greetings from your new Connectional Ministries Team! Laura Witkowski, Kathy Pittenger, Lisa Batten and Naomi García are excited to extend an invitation to you for our upcoming Open Office Hours! The four of us will be on Zoom, in pairs, and we hope you’ll join us for engaging conversations, Q&A sessions, or just friendly… Continue Reading Connectional Ministries Team Open Office Hours
Connectional Ministries Team Open Office Hours
ZoomHello! Greetings from your new Connectional Ministries Team! Laura Witkowski, Kathy Pittenger, Lisa Batten and Naomi García are excited to extend an invitation to you for our upcoming Open Office Hours! The four of us will be on Zoom, in pairs, and we hope you’ll join us for engaging conversations, Q&A sessions, or just friendly… Continue Reading Connectional Ministries Team Open Office Hours
Seasoned Children’s Ministry Leader Cohort
ZoomThe Seasoned Children’s Ministry Leader cohort is designed for leaders with 5+ years of ministry experience. We will have guest presenters and provide time for discussion among cohort members about specific topics and general ministry. Facilitator: Rev. Kathy Pittenger Meeting Time: 4th Thursday of the month 10am-12pm (Eastern) on Zoom February – November (with a… Continue Reading Seasoned Children’s Ministry Leader Cohort
Family Systems Co-Learner Peer Group
ZoomTo be human is to be in relationships. This interactive family systems group will help you explore big picture thinking by viewing our relationships through a “systems thinking” lens. In our relationships we can experience the very best of ourselves and the very worst. Understanding systems helps us manage ourselves and others in stressful situations,… Continue Reading Family Systems Co-Learner Peer Group