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Donna M. Cozadd

Donna Marie Cozadd passed away on May 4, 2020 after contracting COVID-19. She was born on May 24, 1929. She was married to the late Rev. William B Cozadd. They served the following churches in Michigan: Eagle, Ravenna, Hope and Edenville, West Vienna and Burton Christ. She was preceded in death by her husband and daughter Patricia Lewis. She leaves behind two daughters Victoria Cozadd and Bilene (Greg) Crabill and one son-in-law Rev. George Lewis (Howell First UMC) along with eight grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. 

Memorial Contributions can be sent to the Music Ministry of First UMC, 330 11th Ave., Palmetto, FL 34232.

Condolences can be sent to:
Victoria Cozadd
44 Jasmine CHTP
Palmetto FL, 34221

Greg and Bilene Crabill
901 Morganser Dr.
Swansboro NC   28584

Rev. George Lewis
7608 Brookview Ct
Brighton, MI 48116 

Last Updated on May 5, 2020

The Michigan Conference