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Cultural Vibrancy Toolbox

Top 10 resources for Intercultural Development

These top 10 resources, arranged in no particular order, are recommended by the  Michigan Conference Cultural Vibrancy team to encourage learning and cultural development. Please reference your resource page for materials tailored to your Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)  developmental stage. 

  • Implicit Bias Test: Based on "Project Implicit" by Harvard University, the Implicit Bias Test is designed to reveal the Implicit Bias hardwired into us by our conditioning. Recreated here by MTV, the test is no less accurate and always eye-opening.  (5 Minutes)
  • Deconstructing White Privilege with Robin DiAngelo: Robin DiAngelo is an author and consultant with a doctorate in Multi-Cultural Development. DiAngelo's books and videos are excellent resources for understanding more complex dimensions of race as it effects white people. (22 Minutes)
  • “Half-century of U.S. civil rights gains have stalled or reversed, report finds” - The Guardian: An update on current affairs in the realm of civil rights. The reality may surprise you. (20 Minutes)
  • Why "Colorblindness" Will Not End Racism: This series chooses to focus on issues of race, and tackles the complicated gray areas that leave many people feeling agitated. In the comment section of this video you will find people having a reaction to racial information that makes them feel guilty or attacked in some way. Be advised that if you have a similar reaction, the medicine is more research and open-mindedness towards what you're learning, NOT blame and shame! (5 Minutes)
  • Brene Brown on Blame: Brene Brown is a social researcher who studies emotions such as shame and vulnerability. Her insights are based on thousands of one on one interviews with all types of people, and so reflect a universal truth. In this video, Brene explains the destructive functions of blame, and why we use it so recklessly. (3 Minutes)
  • 12 Types of Social Oppression: A list of definitions to evaluate your awareness of social issues. A useful resource for vocabulary building. (10 Minutes)
  • "Can you recognize your own racist beliefs?": A very tough question, with an even tougher answer. This article walks us through Kathy Obear's experience with the Implicit Bias test, and what her results meant for her. It wasn't easy to deal with what the test revealed, but it was well worth it. (5 Minutes)
  • Dawnland: 2018 Documentary surrounding the first truth and reconciliation commission for Native Americans. This Emmy award-winning documentary showcases the untold story of Native American children who were systematically forced from their homes and placed with white foster parents, as well as non-native boarding schools.  (1 Hour 20 Minutes)
  • Latinx Spaces: Explore and discover latinx forms of media and artwork. Diversify your bookshelf, watch-list, and eardrums with artists of all trades. 
  • How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi: An enjoyable read and a priceless resource for understanding the many complexities of racist thought. Not too dense, but plenty in-depth, Ibram X. Kendi explores his own growth and the work it took him to become anti-racist. With specific examples and specific how-to instructions, "How to Be An Anti-Racist" belongs in everyone's toolbox. 
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Additional Anti-Racism Resources

Listed below are additional resources, designed to help you on your journey . 

  • 30 Days of Anti-Racism: Campus minister Morgan Stafford has committed himself to live an anti-racist faith and life. “As a white man, I have learned that I’ve benefited from racism, while people of color have been harmed. I believe that white Christians must take the lead to confront and dismantle racism. It’s our job.” 
  • Sacred Ground:The 10-part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.
  • Noname Book Club: "We’re an online/irl community dedicated to uplifting POC voices. We do this by highlighting two books each month written by authors of color. In addition to building community with folks across the country we also send our monthly book picks to incarcerated comrades through our Prison Program."
  • Brene Brown on Shame and Accountability: In this solo episode, Brene shares her thoughts about why accountability is a prerequisite for change, and why we need to get our heads and hearts around the difference between being held accountable for racism and feeling shame and being shamed. 
  • Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man: Emmanuel Acho provides a safe place for people to ask the questions they would never otherwise feel comfortable asking. He wants to erase the barriers around these topics through open and honest dialogue. 
  • Until Black Women Are Free, None of Us Will Be Free: This essay was written by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and explores the black feminist visionaries of the Combahee River Collective, as well as the revolutionary book: The Combahee River Collective Statement.  

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Committee on African American Ministries

To encourage, train, and equip African American clergy, congregations, and their respective communities. Learn more here.



Last Updated on October 30, 2023

The Michigan Conference