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Connecting faith and justice

US-2s Okerson and Sylvain

New missionaries will soon move to Detroit to began ministry at Motown Mission and NOAH Project.

Missionary Service Program

It is a rigorous and life-changing process to become a Global Mission Fellow. Through an application process, interviews, ongoing discussion, medical clearances, and after being matched to a placement site, one enters this distinguished group of selected young people.

This year, a total of 64 individuals were selected to become United Methodist young adult missionaries. They represent 22 countries, which is the program’s most diverse class to date. Forty-five of these young people will serve in 27 countries and will be commissioned on August 2 in a celebration in Atlanta, Georgia. Another 19 will be commissioned August 30 in Seoul, South Korea.

Two of the women — Grace Okerson and Lynda Sylvain — will be among those commissioned. They will come to Detroit mid-August to begin service at Motown Mission and NOAH Project. Two other US-2s — Kayla Flannery and Chelsea Williams — just completed their two years of  service at those two agencies.

The August 2 commissioning service will conclude a three-week orientation. The service will take place 11 a.m. at the Global Ministries headquarters in Grace United Methodist Church at 458 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Atlanta. Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson of the North Georgia Annual Conference will preach at the service. You can also watch the commissioning service live online, August 2, 2017 at 11 a.m.

The 64 young adults form the 2017–2019 cohort of the Global Mission Fellows program. These are young adults, aged 20 to 30, who will devote two years to ministries that link their faith with justice making. These young adults have become a part of a new community, as they pursue the call to, “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God,” (Micah 6:8).

In addition to the United States, countries of origin for the group of 45 Global Mission Fellows being commission in Atlanta include; Kenya, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Chile, Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Togo, Indonesia, Honduras, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and South Africa.

The 45 fellows that will be commissioned in Atlanta are broken into two tracks, 10 within the Global Mission Fellow US-2 track and 35 within the Global Mission Fellow international track. The following are the 45 young adult missionaries who will be commissioned in the service:

Global Ministries is honored to train and commission this extraordinary group of Global Mission Fellows. If you are interested in becoming a Global Mission Fellow visit: https://gbgm.embark.com/auth/login

Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference