What difference does Michigan Conference coaching make? Click video to find out.

What is the time commitment?
Professional Coach training includes 24-hours of on-demand introductory course, four quarters of Zoom Classes (20 hours each, plus 4-8 hours of online on-demand coursework). Learners are asked to write and submit a 500-word reflection on each on-demand course. In addition to the in-session hours one can anticipate 2-3 hours of reading per month. Practice coaching sessions are required but the number of sessions depends on the learner, keeping in mind that the more you practice, the better you'll get.
What about the time commitment after training?
A coaches availability can be negotiated, though it is recommended that you coach at least two people at any given time. Deployed coaches are required to participate in periodic virtual gatherings for support, coaching continuing education, coaching demonstrations and updates on relevant issues. These gatherings are typically 4-6 times a year.
Can I just take the "Basic Coaching" class?
Yes. You can use the skills in basic coaching immediately. You are under no obligation to any further training, unless you intend to be eligible for deployment as one of the MiConference coaches. MiConference coaches are required to complete all the Professional Coach Training to ensure quality coaching skills.
What is the ICF?
ICF stands for the International Coaching Federation. It's an organization dedicated to making coaching a common practice in society. It's accomplishing this by making sure to train quality coaches. Read more about them here. Click here for more information about the Michigan charter chapter of the ICF.
Do I have to have my ICF certification in order to register?
No, you do not need to be certified through the ICF (International Coaching Federation) to coach for the Michigan Conference.
Will completing this training mean I'm certified with the ICF?
No. Completing Michigan Conference coach training meets instruction requirements for the 2nd tier of ICF credential. Because Coaching4TodaysLeaders (C4TL), our coaching parent organization is an accredited ICF coaching school, you’ll have the benefit of its experience to guide you through the ICF process for either the first or second tier of ICF credential.
How much does training cost?
Learners registering for MiConference Coach Training pay about 1/3 of the public cost thanks to the MiConference’s satellite relationship with Coaching4TodaysLeaders (C4TL). Some funds are available to learner coaches based on the funder’s desired demographic. Don’t let the price scare you from finding out more. Contact lead coach Naomi García to explore funding options. Current coach training prices can be found on the To view registration prices please visit the Coach Training Page.
Do I have to pursue a coach certification after I complete training?
No. There is no requirement to pursue certification after training, though certification is highly recommended for those considering coaching as a profession.
What happens if I miss a training session?
In the event that you miss a class, a 500-word reflection on the assigned reading or session recording, when available, will earn you the credit you missed.
What is transition coaching?
Transition coaching focuses the coach-coachee relationship on navigating current transitions. Allowing for greater clarity and self-empowerment in the one being coached, and encouraging them to craft tangible plans one step at a time.
What is Coaching4Clergy and Coaching4Today'sLeaders?
Coaching4Clergy is an offshoot of Coaching4Today'sLears, and both are coach teaching organizations accredited by the ICF. Coaching4Clergy was founded by Val Hastings. Read more about Coaching4Clergy here.
Who is Val Hastings?
Val Hastings is the founder, principle instructor and president of Coaching4TodaysLeaders (C4TL), parent body of Coaching 4 Clergy. Val is a United Methodist pastor in Pennsylvania. The C4TL coach program is the intellectual property of Val Hastings. Val is a Master Certified Coach, the highest coach credential of the International Coach Federation.
Who teaches the coach training?
Naomi García teaches the coach training classes. Naomi joined the Coaching4Today’sLeaders in 2015, about the time she earned the International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach credential.
Last Updated on July 19, 2024