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Pastoral Transitions

Roadsign saying Change Just Ahead

Leaving one ministry setting and moving on to something new can be a challenge, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  We will give you tools and resources to assist you in making a smooth transition.

This 4-part workshop is meant for clergy who are receiving new appointments including those who are retiring, as well as for SPRC members and other leaders of churches receiving a new pastor. For information on how and why to use this workshop click here.

For Clergy:  Hear from colleagues about healthy ways of saying goodbye to your current ministry setting and hello to a new one.  Get advice on easing the transition for your family. Read the Clergy Letter.

For the SPRC: Get practical ideas for celebrating the ministry of the pastor who is leaving as well as providing a warm welcome to the new pastor. Read the SPRC Letter

Board of Laity/Board of Ordained Ministry Best Boundary Practices.

Contact us following any video series to ask questions, get additional support, and resources.



Segment 1: Introduction

Series overview with Director of Connectional Ministries, Rev. Paul Perez
Spiritual introduction with Bishop David Bard





Segment 2: Healthy Goodbyes

Two pastors share their experience of healthy goodbyes.

Please download these important document prior to watching the video

Effective Pastoral Transitions List
Items to Leave for the Incoming Pastor





Segment 3: Every appointment is cross cultural

Two pastors share their experience of serving in a cross
cultural appointment and how it applies to all transitions.





Segment 4:
Building relationships for an effective transition

An experienced staff parish relations committee leader shares
how to create new beginnings in your church.

Please download these important documents prior to viewing the video.

Building Relationships Meeting Outline
Incoming Pastor Questionnaire
SPRC Chair Questionnaire
Ministry Transition Coaching


Last Updated on March 21, 2024

The Michigan Conference