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Grateful for our union benefits

Hands in a circle

In this op-ed, retired pastor Glenn M. Wagner shares from his four decades of pastoral experience significant benefits of the “United” in our UMC.

Seeing the difference we can make together

Singing at Advocacy Day rally

Rev. Taek Kim reflects on attending Advocacy Day and how he witnessed God working mightily as United Methodists joined in prayer and action on gun safety advocacy.

Ways to support UM campus ministries

The Rock on the campus of MSU

The Michigan Conference’s Division of Higher Education and Campus Ministry speaks out in solidarity for all Michigan campus ministries and calls on United Methodists across the state to pray for… Continue Reading Ways to support UM campus ministries

‘We shall overcome someday’

People holding hands during a march

Have we made progress in realizing Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream? Cheryl Bistayi reflects on this question by telling the painful story of her granddaughter’s husband and the racism he… Continue Reading ‘We shall overcome someday’

Living with hope in this odd space

Michigan delegates to NCJ pray together

In this op-ed, retired pastor Jack Harnish believes last week’s North Central Jurisdictional Conference modeled what he believes The United Methodist Church is to become.

Why I’m voting yes on Proposal 3

Woman in voting booth

In this op-ed, Rev. Alice Fleming Townley addresses why she will be voting yes on Proposal 3, which restores rights lost when Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S.… Continue Reading Why I’m voting yes on Proposal 3

Pastor appreciation from a preacher in the pew

Woman preaching from pulpit

Retired pastor Jack Harnish reflects on what it means to be a preacher in the pew during Pastor Appreciation Month.

Who needs a queen?

Royal items

Jack Harnish reflects on the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II and offers some wonderings about why her death touches us so deeply.

My almost-100 years as a Methodist

The Rev. Mel West, founder of Mobility Worldwide

The Rev. Mel West, founder of Mobility Worldwide, reflects on growing up in rural Missouri and how the trinity of family, farm, and church shaped his life and faith as… Continue Reading My almost-100 years as a Methodist

A Methodist till I die

Woman singing in church

Jack Harnish gives five reasons why he loves being United Methodist and why he intends to remain one until he dies.

The Michigan Conference