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Liberians in U.S. anxious

After fleeing war and disease in Africa, Liberians now living in the U.S. fear job loss and deportation.

BMCR looks to future

Black Methodists for Church Renewal recently gathered in a mood of gratitude and anticipation.

Youth go big against guns

Marchers in 800 cities joined a group of students from Parkland, FL saying, “enough is enough.” 

New tax law not ‘moving-friendly’

The pain of moving just got a little greater. General Council on Finance & Administration explains.

Immersed in native history

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference immersion experience helps UMs live out Act of Repentance.

Puerto Rico bishop hopeful

Bishop Hector Ortiz is confident Puerto Rico’s future is bright as recovery from Hurricane Maria continues.

Black UM doctors broke barriers

Now in their 90s, three doctors share how God opened professional doors for them to help others.

UMs support teens lobbying lawmakers

School shooting survivors will be “change agents,” says a United Methodist elementary school teacher.

A crusader against racism

David Crumm recalls a chapter in Billy Graham’s life where he embraced integration.

Florida churches provide support

As pastors near a mass school shooting respond, one leader says United Methodists must do more than pray.

The Michigan Conference