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‘Nada es imposible para Dios’

VIM team members and Peruvian church members

A group of United Methodist volunteers, including several from Michigan, traveled to Peru to bring much-needed health care services to rural communities.

‘Use skills God has given you’

Two women standing next to a quilt wall hanging

A lay-led task force at Church of the Dunes in Grand Haven is raising awareness and educating community members about gun violence prevention.

Teamwork keeps Red Bird on the road

Men standing around a cargo van

A Michigan church connects with other congregations, the district, and the conference to provide two vehicles for Red Bird Mission. These “mobile hardware vans” will keep volunteer teams on task.

Vision expands for Noah at Central

Staff packing sack lunches for homeless population

Thanks to a Reflective Leadership Grant, Amy Brown has greater clarity on Christ’s calling and a daring vision for the future possibilities of service to Detroit’s unhoused population.

Taking the plunge

Woman holding a fish

Faith on the Fly, a new ministry out of Grand Rapids: Trinity UMC, teaches people how to fish and creates faith-filled opportunities to learn new things and bond with others.

Community celebrates farmworkers

Woman holding a prize from a raffle she won

Arcadia UMC helps to organize an annual appreciation dinner for migrant farmworkers in rural Manistee County to honor their contributions to the community.

Port Huron ministry opens doors wide

Store sign

The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center, an EngageMI Ministry Partner in Port Huron, is bringing the love of Jesus to those in their community by meeting unmet needs.

Bishop announces listening tour

Bishop speaking at podium

On November 23, Bishop David Bard begins a four-stop tour to hear from people following significant changes in The United Methodist Church.

‘Be open for miracles to happen’

ESL teacher and students

Through Christlike acts of love, Leland Community UMC is building relationships with their refugee and migrant neighbors and bridging the gap between cultures.

Michigan’s ‘Odd Couple’

Lay Leaders

Taylorie Bailey and Denny Wissinger, the new Co-Lay Leaders of the Michigan Conference, are ready to equip the laity of the annual conference for ministry and mission.

The Michigan Conference