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A lesson in caregiving

Woman teaching a child how to wash her hands

In a role reversal, Heather Jue-Wong reflects on how she traveled to Peru as a health professional on a Volunteers in Mission journey and became the patient.

Mission leaders learn to fish in new waters

Fly fishing

PART A–MINISTRY SHARES: On September 30, 2023, eighty persons gathered from across the Michigan Conference to get fired up about Starting & Sustaining Ministries of Compassion, Justice, and Inclusion. Continue Reading Mission leaders learn to fish in new waters

Celebrating our state’s Hispanic heritage

Laity helped with Sole Works

PART B: MICHIGAN — Learn about Centro Familiar Cristiano UMC in Melvindale, one of Michigan’s vital Hispanic congregations. Help your congregation celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins September 15, 2024. Continue Reading Celebrating our state’s Hispanic heritage

Historic ministry changes lives now

Three children holding crosses

PART C: NATIONAL — For over 100 years, the McCurdy Ministries Community Center in New Mexico has shared educational ministries to help students and families succeed in school and life. Continue Reading Historic ministry changes lives now

Ways kids can celebrate World Communion

Children serving communion

PART D: International — Children’s book author Glenys Nellist offers five ideas for helping children celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 6. Continue Reading Ways kids can celebrate World Communion

Campaign raises $320K for students

Children and youth at school

PART B–MICHIGAN: The Michigan Conference’s Readers to Leaders campaign ends, raising over $320,000, but churches can continue supporting these vital ministries in several ways. Continue Reading Campaign raises $320K for students

NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

Woman using a drill

PART C – NATIONAL: NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. Continue Reading NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

Conference renews covenant with Haiti

Child giving a thumbs-up sign

PART  D — INTERNATIONAL: Michigan United Methodists have had a relationship with God’s people in Haiti since 1996. The 2024 Annual Conference put a plan in place to help strengthen that special bond. Continue Reading Conference renews covenant with Haiti

Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

family in Liberia

PART E–MISSION PERSONNEL: “Every encounter I have with another person, is an opportunity for Christ to work through me,” says Helen Roberts-Evans, former EngageMI ministry partner in Liberia, now retired. Continue Reading Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

Human Relations Day realizes King’s dream

Memorial for Martin Luther King, Jr.

PART C–NATIONAL: Giving on Human Relations Day helps build King’s vision of beloved community and supports churches like Grand Rapids: Vietnamese UMC. Continue Reading Human Relations Day realizes King’s dream

The Michigan Conference