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You can order Journals now

The official record of the 2017 Michigan Annual Conference is now available.

Once again in 2017 there are two separate annual conference journals. However, the process for ordering the Detroit Conference edition is different from in the past.

Please read and follow these instructions for ordering your conference journal.

Detroit Conference:

The DAC Journal will not be automatically mailed out as it has been in the past.

The following will need to ORDER and PAY for a Journal(s) online in order to receive it:
• local churches
• individual persons, including clergy wanting a personal copy
• conference committees, agencies, boards
• all lay persons.

Online orders may be placed using this link: www.createspace.com/7686679

The exception is retired clergy and surviving spouses (of the year the clergyperson is memorialized at annual conference). These persons will continue to receive one complimentary copy of the Detroit Conference Journal; no order will be necessary. Extras may be ordered online as desired.

The Journal will no longer contain the historical reports. This information will only be available online (downloadable pdf) at the Michigan Area website.

West Michigan Conference:

Clergy, churches and lay members to Annual Conference are responsible for ordering their own Journal when it becomes available.

Those orders may be place using this link: www.createspace.com/7834488.

Members of the Committee on Nominations and Committee on Rules will receive a Journal, no order is necessary.

Retired Clergy and Surviving Spouses of the West Michigan Conference are entitled to receive one free journal.


Last Updated on November 1, 2023

The Michigan Conference