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New Parental Leave Policy

The Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits (CBOPHB) is pleased to announce a new Parental Leave Policy that seeks to enable all clergy to take the parental leave they are afforded in the Book of Discipline (BoD). This new policy will take effect on July 1, 2024.

This policy, which can be found here, invites churches to apply for grant money, provided by the CBOPHB, to defray the cost of pulpit supply and emergency pastoral care while their pastor is on parental leave. The church can receive $200 per week for the eight weeks that a clergy person is guaranteed in the current BoD, as well as that same amount for an additional five weeks (for a total of 13 weeks) as long as they continue to pay their pastor’s salary during those additional weeks.

It is the hope of the CBOPHB that this policy will mean that no clergy person has to go without parental leave. At times, parental leave may be a burden on churches as the BoD guarantees a clergyperson eight weeks of paid parental leave. As a result, churches may struggle to provide salary and needed preaching and clergy leadership during that time, leading some clergy to decide not to take their parental leave or take less than the full eight weeks they are guaranteed. This policy seeks to lighten the load for churches and guarantee that all clergy can take their full parental leave.

Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of Human Resources, Rev. Joel Walther says, “I’m excited that the CBOPHB can offer this benefit conference-wide. Previously some funds were made available at the district level, but in an inconsistent manner. This new policy means that we have guaranteed parental leave for all clergy in the conference.” Walther went on to talk about the fact that the policy is available for birth, placement for adoption, and placement for foster care.

“We know that the number of young clergy entering ministry is declining. It’s our hope that offering this kind of benefit in the Michigan Conference will be attractive to those coming out of seminary and not yet committed to where they are going to serve,” said Walther.

If you have questions about this new policy, please contact the Benefits Office or talk with your District Superintendent

Last Updated on May 31, 2024

The Michigan Conference