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New “3 Minutes 4 Your Benefit” video series

MI Benefits Guy

I often joke with people that I have a face made for the radio. I’ve never loved seeing myself on screen. This is particularly funny because now that I’ve stepped into Conference leadership, I will to record a report for Annual Conference session regularly. This means I’ll have to see myself at least once a year.

Knowing I don’t love this, it’s even stranger that I am embarking on our newest endeavor in the Benefits Office—a library of short videos on benefits topics to help people better understand their benefits and how to access them.

Like Wesley, I’m willing to become more vile because of a continuing commitment to benefits education. When I stepped into this role just a little over a year ago, I knew education was paramount. I frequently hear clergy say that they don’t know what their benefits are, and I know we need to continue to educate.

Our first task was to create this monthly newsletter. While informing people on how to do things is important, demonstrating can be even more effective. Therefore, in my second year as the Director of Conference Benefits, we are introducing “3 Minutes 4 Your Benefit,” a series of approximately three-minute videos showcasing ways to understand and access your benefits. By releasing a new video each month, we aim to gradually build a library of helpful content that clergy can explore on our YouTube channel, allowing them to find the necessary information in a clear and concise format.

I don’t love that my face will be more visible, but I do love finding new ways to share about benefits with clergy in the Michigan Conference. So, without further ado, take a look at the first 3 Minutes 4 Your Benefit video!

The Michigan Conference