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Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program

We are pleased to advise you that effective immediately, Health Management Systems of America (HMSA) will be administering the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for our clergy/conference staff and their eligible family members. (Note: This also includes local church lay employees currently enrolled in the conference health care plan.) The Conference Board of Pension & Health Benefits implemented this plan is in direct response to the information gathered in the Needs Survey we completed during our last open enrollment period. We recognize healthy conference leadership is essential to our individual lives as well as our connectional ministries. In this regard, promoting health and wholeness is a top priority.

Our EAP provider, HMSA, can confidentially help to address a wide range of personal, family and employment concerns such as stress management, parent-child communication, relationship issues, substance abuse, and workplace conflicts. The Employee Assistance Program is available to provide free short-term counseling assistance or referral to provider resources, for these situations and many more.

The objective of the EAP is to help you and your family members, in this case your spouse and/or dependents in your household, to obtain assistance with problems at the earliest possible stage to minimize potential adverse personal and/or financial impact. Often when these problems are neglected, they result in a deterioration of one’s overall physical and emotional well-being.

The Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church recognizes that the personal life and concerns of all personnel are their own affairs. The program is confidential and is designed to help ensure the well-being of all employees and family members who utilize it. We encourage you, or any eligible member of your family, to take advantage of this employer-paid benefit.

For login information, please contact the Benefits Office.

Last Updated on October 28, 2020

The Michigan Conference