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Celebrate Dental Hygiene Month

MI Benefits GuyJesus says it’s not what goes into someone’s mouth that defiles, but what comes out (Matthew 15:11). There’s something important about mouths because it’s also what goes on in your mouth that can be an indicator of your health.

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, a time to remember that keeping our teeth clean is essential. Good dental hygiene reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke and improves blood sugar control.

Good dental hygiene is relative, I suppose. I know people who brush after every meal and some who only brush once a day and yet have good dental hygiene. Let us at least agree that we should be brushing our teeth!

Part of National Dental Hygiene Month is acknowledging the work of our dental hygienists. If you’re anything like me, you spend much more time with your dental hygienist than your doctor. They deserve some praise for all their hard work.

This National Dental Hygiene Month, let’s keep our mouths clean. Brush your teeth and get regular cleanings. While you’re at it, prove that what comes out of the mouth of a Christian is good and praise your hygienist or give them a gift. Tell them MI Benefits Guy sent you!

Last Updated on October 1, 2024

The Michigan Conference