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Are You Taking Advantage of the Wellness Initiatives?

Top view of family paper chain on a doctor desk. Medical worktable with keyboard, blue stethoscope, pills and eyeglasses. Family healthcare, medicine and insurance concept.

The Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church offers many wellness initiatives to their members. Wellness initiatives are to help you be your best—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Virgin Pulse

A healthier lifestyle may be the most difficult personal improvement to undertake, but even small changes can make a big difference. The Virgin Pulse well-being program is designed to support your commitment to health and well-being—and you’ll earn rewards along the way. Those enrolled in the active or retired group health plan are eligible to enroll in Virgin Pulse. Click here for more information.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Assistance ProgramThe Health Management Systems of America (HMSA) administers the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for our clergy/conference staff and their eligible family members. (Note: This also includes local church lay employees currently enrolled in the conference health care plan.) Our EAP provider, HMSA, can confidentially help to address a wide range of personal, family and employment concerns such as stress management, parent-child communication, relationship issues, substance abuse, and workplace conflicts. Those enrolled in the active group health plan are eligible. For login information, please contact Jennifer in the Benefits Office at [email protected].


OmadaOmada® is a personalized program designed to fit seamlessly into your life. It is a personalized program that surrounds you with the tools and support you need to reach your health goals, whether that’s losing weight, managing diabetes, lowering your blood pressure, or improving your overall health. All at no cost to you: If you or your adult family members are at risk for type 2 diabetes or heart disease or living with diabetes or high blood pressure, Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church will cover the entire cost of the program. To see if you are eligible, please contact Jennifer in the Benefits Office at [email protected].

Last Updated on November 1, 2023

The Michigan Conference