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AC Step Challenge

We’re stepping off to Traverse City for Annual Conference Session. Some folks live a long ways away, so we’re giving you time to walk there (virtually). The step challenge offered through our Virgin Pulse program kicks on on March 18 and lasts until May 18 giving you a full two months to rack up steps (and giving us enough time to calculate the winners before Annual Conference Session). When we get there, we will crown the winning Districts with the most steps! You read that right, this is a District Challenge. You do not need to have your teams be limited to your District, but it would be fun if you could find folks in your district to join your team! At the end of the challenge, we will calculate every District’s total steps and the winning Districts will have a gift made to the Annual Conference Session Benevolent Offering in their name from the CBOPHB! Registration for the challenge starts in Virgin Pulse on March 8. You will receive an e-mail before that letting you know about the challenge, but we also wanted to let you know in our newsletter. If you’re not a Virgin Pulse member, it’s a great time to join. It’s free and actually pays you to be active! Let’s get moving to get to Annual Conference!

Last Updated on March 1, 2024

The Michigan Conference