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2020 Benefits Ministry Shares Holiday

Hands make cross for Lent

Greetings to the Michigan Conference Clergy/Local Church Treasurers/Congregations,

The Conference Board of Pension & Health Benefits (CBOPHB) met this morning and are grateful to inform you that they voted to provide a six month payment holiday for our Benefits Ministry Shares (BMS).

Click here for a letter from the board that provides further details. We are sending this notice initially via email to the clergy and treasurer emails we have on file. Please help us forward this notice to additional leadership in your local church.

Every member of the CBOPHB affirms the importance of our collective and connectional ministry. We are clergy. We are lay. We are members of and workers in the vineyard of local churches. We are active. We are retired. We are God’s community called to share abundance and sacrifice together for the sake of our ministry in Jesus Christ.

Our board members trust the BMS financial holiday will be received in this spirit, and will provide an element of encouragement and support in the days ahead.

As always, contact the benefits office if you have questions or if we may be of assistance. Email is the currently the most effective communication tool while we work from home.

God bless you.

Rev Donald J Emmert
Director of Conference Benefits and Human Resources
Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church

Michigan Conference Center North
1161 E Clark Rd Ste 212
DeWitt MI 48820
Phone: 517-347-4030 x 4110
Email: demmert@michiganumc.org

Question? Click here for the addendum to this letter. 

Last Updated on September 23, 2022

The Michigan Conference