The World Methodist Conference aims to turn the world upside-down with justice and righteousness.
United Methodist News Service
The World Methodist Conference concluded this past weekend, but not before one particularly stirring worship service that had the large, diverse crowd singing and dancing to “Love Train.”
African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie chose that secular tune to conclude her Sept. 2 sermon, which repeatedly challenged listeners with the refrain: “What does your love look like?”
The four-day conference was itself something of a love-in, bringing together at a downtown Houston hotel more than 2,000 people from scores of Wesleyan Christian denominations worldwide, including The United Methodist Church.
Church politics largely were set aside in favor of preaching, teaching, singing, Bible study and workshops, as well as networking and fellowshipping.
The conference occurs once every five years, and this was the first held in the United States since 1981.
“I’m very pleased,” said Bishop Ivan Abrahams, top executive of the World Methodist Council, the group that puts on the conference. “I think we’ve had a good representation of the global Methodist family.”
Lyon wins Peace Award
One highlight of the conference’s last day was presentation of the World Methodist Peace Award to Rev. Jo Anne Lyon.
She’s a former general superintendent of The Wesleyan Church denomination, but the award recognized her as founder and longtime leader of World Hope International.
She started that nonprofit in her home, and under her leadership, it grew into a major Christian relief and development agency, now working in 30 countries. The group has focused on bringing clean water and spiritual nourishment to communities, as well as providing holistic healing programs for post-war amputees.
“Eighty million of us. That’s a lot of folks, people! And God can do a lot with us.” ~Rev. Jo Anne Lyon
Lyon herself has worked to raise awareness of human trafficking, and she represented her denomination on President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
“Seeking justice alone can become all political,” Lyon said. “But righteousness without seeking justice for others leads to isolation from the world. We find that balance including both justice and righteousness, rooted in the Bible and in our historical identity.”
Lyon gave a plenary address at the conference on Sept. 3, and noted the power inherent in the 80.5 million people represented in the 80 Methodist, Wesleyan and related United and Uniting groups that are part of the World Methodist Council.
“Eighty million of us. That’s a lot of folks, people!” she said. “And God can do a lot with us. And if we can get focused on the mission and vision God has for us, literally at this time in history the world can be turned upside down.”
On to Sweden
United Methodist attendance at the World Methodist Conference may have been suppressed by the event occurring in the same year as General Conference and Jurisdictional Conferences.
But United Methodists were deeply involved in putting on the Houston gathering, and the Texas Conference provided volunteers, choirs for worship and communication support. Sarah Wilke, publisher of the Upper Room, served as program chair. The World Methodist Council inducted her into its Order of Jerusalem, reserved for those who have provided distinguished service to global Methodism.
Many United Methodists are used to the arcane word “quadrennium,” meaning every four years. That’s the interval for General Conferences. But, World Methodist Conference organizers use the even more obscure word “quinquennium,” since such conferences happen every five years.
The next, in 2021, will be in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bishop Dinis Matsolo, bishop for the Mozambique district of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, came away from Houston a big believer in such conferences.
“It’s a pleasure and an honor,” he said. “We’re proud of being a family in the world — the Wesleyan Methodist family.”
Last Updated on January 12, 2023