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Imagine No Malaria nearing goal

The United Methodist Church is moving closer to the goal of eliminating malaria for good.
With its latest report, the Imagine No Malaria program announced it is 92% toward its denominational fundraising goal of $75 million. The program expects to top the $69 million mark within the next month.

Ashley Gish, Assistant Director of the Imagine No Malaria campaign, reported that 13 of the participating conferences or episcopal areas have already exceeded their stated fundraising goal. They are:

Alabama-West Florida

  • Arkansas
  • Desert Southwest (Phoenix, Ariz.)
  • Holston (East Tenn., SW Virg.)
  • Iowa
  • Missouri
  • New England
  • North Carolina
  • Northern Illinois
  • Greater Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Ore., Wash.)
  • Virginia
  • West Ohio
  • Wisconsin


In addition, these 13 have raised $1.8 million above their combined goals, with 7 of the 13 raising $100,000 or more above their goals. The Missouri United Methodist Conference stands out with raising more than $343,000 above their $1 million commitment.

These totals are in addition to the money raised by faithful United Methodists in every U.S. Annual Conference, including the following conferences, each of whom have raised more than $1 million for the program:

  • Illinois Great Rivers
  • Minnesota
  • Rio Texas
  • Western Pennsylvania

The Michigan Area … West Michigan and Detroit Conferences … together raised over $1.6 million for Imagine No Malaria.

Imagine No Malaria is an extraordinary ministry of the people of The United Methodist Church, putting faith into action to end preventable deaths from malaria in Africa, especially the death of a child or a mother. With a comprehensive approach to fighting this killer disease, Imagine No Malaria empowers the people of Africa to improve health infrastructure and achieve a sustainable victory over malaria.

Last Updated on December 28, 2022

The Michigan Conference